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20190610 123505

Hunger in Wilkes

Wilkes County has 22 schools from Kindergarten through 12th grade. Children who have a low household income qualify for free meals at school, but there is no weekend food for too many children.

These kids go hungry from their refrigerators being bare over the weekend and arrive at school on Monday morning hungry and anxious.

By providing these families backpacks filled with 7 meals, we’re assisting in lessening the worries on these kids’ shoulders, and helping them focus on what’s important - growing up healthy and able to focus on learning.

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Food Drives

Many churches have food drives to benefit children of Wilkes. What we need most are Ramen noodles, canned spaghetti, oatmeal packets, granola bars, cans of pork and beans, beef stew, and similar items.

We’re basically looking for complete meals that store well, with an emphasis on high quality proteins and whole grains.

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On a Mission from God

Jesus asked a third time, “Simon son of John, do you love Me?" Peter was deeply hurt that Jesus had asked him a third time, “Do you love Me?” “Lord, You know all things," he replied. “You know I love You." Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep."

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Putting It All Together

Four or five volunteers meet at 10 am on Mondays to stuff bags for the kids' backpacks. They will put together about half of the 750 backpacks. Another crew of volunteers will meet on Tuesdays at 10 am.

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A designated school counselor or teacher will pick up the bags for their school on Thursdays, and each teacher will slide the bag into students' backpacks.

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We are blessed to have great year round support from Wilkes County individuals and churches who want to help. The need isn't once a year, but throughout the school year and summer, too.