A Day in the Life of Volunteers
What’s it like to volunteer with Samaritan Kitchen of Wilkes? Take a peek here to see our schedule, what we do, when we do it, and how it gets done. The “why” is pretty obvious – it’s all for the kids (and their grateful parents)!

Packing Backpacks
Four or five volunteers meet at 10 AM on Mondays to stuff bags for the kids' backpacks. They will do about half of the 700 backpacks. Another crew of volunteers will meet on Tuesdays at 10.

Young and Old
Another crew of volunteers meets on Tuesdays at 10 AM and makes up the rest. This is work that can be done by young and old alike. It's not heavy, and you can see your progress.

We enjoy new faces to help us on God's mission. If you get a little tired, have a seat, you're a volunteer, after all!

Tuesday and Thursday volunteers half-fill food boxes (pre-boxing) so that we can get a head start for "showtime" on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Food Run and Computer Check-In
Volunteers "ride shotgun" to help collect the food from grocery stores. It takes about 3 hours: from 9:00 AM to noon, Monday through Saturday.
Seated volunteers also check people in by computer on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Social Distancing
Customers stay in their cars and we wear masks and wash hands. Most of these pictures were made pre-pandemic.